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homework 2


  1. What does the device look like?

A microwave resembles a cabinet but instead of a handle the door opens with the push of a button. A microwave also has a control panel with buttons to select settings and times to cook foods. It also has a screen that is used to count down the seconds until the microwave is done.

  1. What kind of data does it accept?

A microwave accepts imputes of time and learned codes for certain types of food such as “popcorn” and “warm plate.”

  1. How does it process that data?

The central processing unit consists of electronic circuits that interpret and execute program instructions, as well as communicate with the input, output, and storage devices. It is the central processing unit that actually transforms data into information. Data is the raw material to be processed by a computer.

  1. What is the result of that processing?

The microwave turns on and completes said input.

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